
Aug 16, 2021

We are offering some Best Sellers in either our traditional Hand Painted Coco mats OR our NEW FLOCKED coco & all weather mats.

*Flocked mats are a short term trial, so get one now before they are gone!



COCO: Coco mats are all natural…

Jul 29, 2020

So, we get a lot of pallets here in the Doormat Mines. And we really like to do projects using everything that's laying around to do them. No waste!

While we have been waiting for our doormat shipment to come in (puh-leeze!) we've been breaking up all our pallets & making a Camp Kitchen for Social Distance campers to come visit us. 

We started with a pallet bench. I just Googled for an image that seemed to be easy & sturdy. I figured that our ground is pretty soft, so…

Mar 23, 2020

DIY Homemade Baby Wipes

Our friends A & J have the cutest, fattest baby! His chubby butt needs cleanin’ and everyone has hoarded up all the wipes. HOARDED BABY WIPES!!! So the Hubs took to the internets to see if he could make her some, and yes you can! With ingredients we have on hand no less. And they are awesome.

Here’s all you need:

1 roll of name brand paper towels

Tupperwares (64 oz Gladds rectangles work well when tubes are squished in)…

Jun 26, 2019


My sweet 13 year old angel Perogi, Queen of Pugs aka Little Mama aka The BMW (Big Monkey Walrus) recently developed Diabetes. Backing up on that, I’m pretty pissed. She was getting hard of hearing & we thought we’d just check to make sure it couldn’t be reversed. The vet gave her 4 kinds of steroids, which immediately shut down her pancreas, causing pancreatitis. She lost 20% of her body weight and her body stopped producing insulin = diabetes.…

Mar 13, 2019

Diabetic dog care & warning signs

My sweet little pug, Perogi: Queen of Pugs, has developed Diabetes! She is 13 years old, so it's not un-common in pugs.

Her backstory: We received Perogi into our lives 10 years ago when she was 3. She was over 30 pounds! Seriously, she looked like potato with toothpicks in it. Her previous family did not take her for…