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Weatherproof Outdoor Mats Enhance Your Home's Curb Appeal

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Weatherproof Outdoor Mats Enhance Your Home's Curb Appeal

Promotional graphic for Damn Good Doormats waterproof outdoor mat, non-slip, low-profile, eco-friendly recycled rubber back reading “Welcome to my Shithole” with colorful cross-stitch flowers on itA front door mat is an essential addition to any home, especially if you want to keep your indoor spaces clean and dry. Weatherproof outdoor mats are designed to be absorbent and resist dirt, making them perfect for high-traffic areas. These heavy duty floor mats are made with durable materials that can withstand various weather conditions while keeping your entryway clean and dry. The absorbent properties of these mats help trap dirt and moisture from shoes, preventing it from being tracked into your home.

More Unheard Live Recordings of Dexter Romweber

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Play Part 2: the Live Roots Rock Unheard Basement Tapes *DEXTER*

Listen to Part 1 of this newly rediscovered Live tape of Dexter Romweber and Kimbo Miller before The Flat Duo Jets

This cassette recording was made by Kimbo, Kevin, and Dexter Romweber at Kimbo and Kevin's house in Winston-Salem, NC. Monro Smith then made copies he passed out around June of 1985 Winston-Salem. It pre-dates Dexter Romweber's band with Crow Smith, The Flat Duo Jets and their debut album "In Stereo"

Dexter Romweber: Early days and unheard recordings of a Rockabilly Legend

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Unheard Live Recording of Dexter Romweber of The Flat Duo Jets

Dexter Romweber of The Flat Duo Jets singing and playing guitar at a house party in 1985

It's June of 1985 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina at a weekend-long house party. Dexter Romweber of The Flat Duo Jets & The VooDoo Mountain Boys are playing sporadically throughout the night and I have brought along my plastic analog camera to document the festivities. Kimbo & friends are drunkenly bashing at a drum kit & howling while Dexter plays guitar & sings and it is one of the purist most beautiful musical experiences of my life....

Quirky Gifts: Rude Doormats for Your Friends

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Rude Doormats: The Perfect Gift for Your Quirky Friends

Why are rude doormats becoming more popular?

Inappropriate doormats are becoming more popular because they add a touch of humor and personality to homes. They allow people to express their unique sense of style and make a statement, while also providing a playful way to greet guests.

Promotional graphic for Damn Good Doormats offensive doormats

Embrace Diversity: Welcome All Languages Doormat

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Celebrate Diversity: Welcome All Languages with a Doormat

Multilingual Welcome in all languages doormat

Multilingual Welcome in All Languages Doormat.

This personalized doormat was at the request of a multilingual Damn Good fan, Amy H. English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Hindi - whew! .- she speaks a lot of Welcomes!

Nerdy Doormats: Add Geeky Charm to Your Entryway

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Nerdy Doormats: Welcome Your Inner Geek

If you're looking for a fun way to welcome guests to your home, consider getting a nerdy doormat. These listing pages on Etsy offer a variety of designs from popular fandoms like Star Wars, The Big Lebowski, and Dungeons and Dragons.

Learning from Setbacks: The All-Weather Mat Challenge and the Rise of UV-Printed Doormats

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Every business has a setback from time to time. I'm sorry to announce I've hit a snag in our all-weather doormat production. The US manufacturer we relied on for our original synthetic doormats has shut down. The replacements I found aren't allowing our paint to stick like they should, which is a massive bummer. But, we're hustling with our paint crew to find a fix. It's a bit of a puzzle, but here at Damn Good Doormats, we never give up!

Learning from Setbacks: The All-Weather Mat Challenge and the Rise of UV-Printed Doormats

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Every business has a setback from time to time. I'm sorry to announce I've hit a snag in our all-weather doormat production. The US manufacturer we relied on for our original synthetic doormats has shut down.

I made. batch of all-weather mats for my fans who'd pre-ordered. Before I went& packed them up, I thought I'd give them one final foot test... and the paint came right off like chalk on a chalkboard! The replacements I found aren't allowing our paint to stick like they should, which is a massive bummer.

The Ultimate All Weather Doormat: Your Solution to Every Season

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Introducing Damn Good Doormats' Ultimate All-Weather doormat - the game-changer you've been waiting for. This doormat is specially designed to withstand harsh weather conditions with its UV resistance and water resistance properties. Not only that, but it also offers a soft and comfortable feel for indoor use, while being completely safe for outdoor use. It's time to upgrade your doormat game and never worry about worn-out mats again.


So, guess what? I caught Covid after dodging it for almost four years. I'm super careful and fully vaxxed so it wasn't too bad. As soon as I got a fever, I tested & had a telehealth to get paxlovid to cut my Long Covid risk by half. And you won't believe the cool tips my doc gave me that I hadn't heard before. Check these out for a speedy Covid recovery:


1. Pop 2000 units of vitamin D3 daily.

2. Stick a humidifier by your bed for night congestion relief.

